Latva Machine, LLC
744 John Stark Highway
Newport, NH 03773
P: 603-863-5155
F: 603-863-7522
744 John Stark Highway
Newport, NH 03773
P: 603-863-5155
F: 603-863-7522
March 27, 2020
To All Our Valued Customers,
Latva Machine, being a key player and classified an essential business in the Military and Aerospace supply chain, will remain open during this COVID-19 virus outbreak.
We are adhering to the precautions recommended by the CDC to keep our employees and their families safe. We also review CDC updates daily and implement new measures as needed.
The team here at Latva wishes everyone health and safety through this difficult time.
If you have any questions or concerns, please Contact Us.
-Mitch Latva